Jane S. Paradise moved into the three-story house at 26 Jones Street in 1844 at a time when Greek Revival was nudging aside the Federal style in architectural domestic fashion. One of a short row of nearly identical homes, the construction and lot of 26 Jones Street cost the developer $3,800, or about $160,000 in 2025 terms. It was faced in brick and trimmed in brownstone. Its entrance sat within a frame of stone pilasters that upheld an unusually high entablature. The elegant doorway was flanked by narrow sidelights and an ample transom allowed natural light into the foyer.
The original entrance frame survived as late as 1941. image via the NYC Dept of Records & Information Services.
It is possible that Jane S. Paradise operated the residence as a boarding house in the early years. Living here in 1845 were Julius Cogswell, a currier; and James Meinell, Jr., whose profession was listed as "tools." Robert Morris, a peddler, occupied the smaller house in the rear yard that year.
Before long, however, Abram Bassford purchased 26 Jones Street. Born around 1795, Bassford dealt in billiard tables and piano fortes. His substantial operation was reflected in his three locations at 63-65 Centre Street, 8 Ann Street, and 603 Broadway. An 1851 advertisement boasted that the Bassford billiard table was "best in the world--first premium at World's Fair." (The spectacular Great Exhibition was held in Hyde Park in London.) By the time of the ad, Abram Bassford, Jr. was affiliated with the company. Two years later, the American Art Journal noted, "Abram Bassford's Grand and Square pianos were awarded the prize medals at our first World's Fair, held at the Crystal Palace, New York."
Bassford and his wife had at least three other children, a son and two daughters. William K. Bassford was described by the American Art Journal as, "the distinguished American song composer." Born on April 23, 1839, William was for a time the organist of St. Bartholomew Church. He wrote several secular songs, a mass, and a two-act opera, Cassilda.
Abram Bassford was involved in a puzzling conflict with the city in 1858. Bassford submitted his bill to the Finance Committee of the Board of Education for "a piano-forte now in use in Ward School No. 3, in the Ninth Ward." Without giving a reason, the minutes of the Board noted on May 5, 1858, "Resolved, That the bill of Abram Bassford, for a piano, be not paid by this Board."
On June 13, 1864, Abram Bassford, Sr. died "suddenly," according to The New York Times. The term suggested a heart attack or stroke. His funeral was held in the parlor on June 15. At the time, both daughters were married. One of them had wed grocer Henry Evesson, Jr. and the couple was living with the family at the time of Bassford's death.
It appears that Abram Bassford, Jr. was not able to attend his father's funeral. He was a member of Company C, 12th Regiment, which was present at the surrender at Harper's Ferry in September 1862. On October 3, 1865, The New York Times reported that Bassford had been promoted to first lieutenant.
By 1867, the Rev. Selig Lisner family occupied 26 Jones Street. Sons George and David were partners in George Lisner & Brother. They operated three fancygoods stores at 301 Canal Street, 323 Canal Street, and 837 Broadway. (Fancygoods stores were different from a general or drygoods store in that they sold a range of items like ribbons, buttons, ceramic figurines and such.)
That year Moritz and Adeline Meyers boarded with the family. Interestingly, Adeline was a partner with her husband in their shoe business. When they moved on in 1869, an advertisement on April 1 listed, "To Let--The lower part of a fine private house, with all modern improvements, 26 Jones street, near Sixth avenue and Fourth street."
The advertisement was answered by Joseph and Hannah Alden. He was a butcher in the Clinton Market. Hannah died here at the age of 68 on November 20, 1873. Her funeral was held in the house on November 23. Joseph remained here until 1874, when the house was sold to Adam May, a milk dealer.
The Mays took in several boarders. Living with the family in 1876 were two widows, Eliza Brown and Clara Rice, and John H. Morten, a carpenter. In 1879, the Allen family boarded here. Edward was a carpenter, Eugene was a laborer, and George Allen was an express driver. Two other drivers, John Britton and Joseph Mason, also boarded with the Mays.
George and Emma Schenk were boarding here in March 1899 when they purchased 26 Jones Street from Adam May. The price was $11,006, or about $412,000 in 2025 terms.
The Schenks leased the house to Greenwich House. Described by its founder Mary Kingsbury Simkhovitch as a "Cooperative Social Settlement Society," it opened on Thanksgiving Day in 1902. Among the trustees were reformer Jacob Riis, Carl Schurz and Felix Adler, and financial supporters included Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney and Frieda S. Warburg.
According to Gerald W. McFarland in his Inside Greenwich Village,
The house at 26 Jones Street needed a thorough cleaning, interior painting, repairs, and the services of a pest exterminator before it was ready for occupancy in November 1902. Simkhovitch had recruited a staff of fifteen residents, eight women and seven men...She, her family, and five women residents moved into 26 Jones, with the young women assigned small bedrooms on the building's third floor. A visitor during the first year reported that each woman was provided with the bare necessities (a chair, a table, a chiffonier, a bed, and bedding) and encouraged to supplement these items with 'pictures, rugs, hangings, desks, etc." acquired on her own.
The work within the impoverished neighborhood was reflected in an article in The Evening Post on June 12, 1903. "The residents of Greenwich House, a social settlement at No. 26 Jones Street, are anxious to have two baby carriages, which they could lend to poor women of the neighborhood who are now unable to take their babies to the adjacent parks."
Dr. William H. Tolman, in his 1903 The Better New York, noted that the Greenwich House works "on a different basis from that ordinarily adopted by social settlements. It believes that the neighborhood about a settlement should be represented on the board of managers, and also believes in the co-responsibility of residents, workers and non-residents."
A grainy 1905 photograph captures prim shutters on the windows as children played on the sidewalk and street. The Commons, March 1905 (copyright expired)
After renting the property for three years, on October 21, 1905, the Record & Guide reported that George Schenck had transferred title to The Co-operative Settlement Society of City New York.
An article in the 1905 issue of The Commons explained that "clubs, classes and social gatherings meet" here, and in "the basement there is a middle room absolutely dark by day but having a big old-fashioned fireplace in it. This is the comfortable den where the settlement household gathers after dinner for coffee and where those who are not rushing away to committees or clubs, may sit down and gossip awhile."
The rear house, in which Robert Morris lived in 1845, was rented "by one of the residents who uses it as a studio and generously allows the rest of the household to come and sit by the open fire," said the article. It noted, "This little hidden building is typical of the charm of this old quarter, speaking of the past that is giving place to a new and different life."
When Greenwich House moved into 26 Jones Street, the neighborhood was one of the densest in the city. Mary Kingsbury Simkhovitch told The Commons, "Since that time the racial character of our block was changed radically." Of the 296 families on the street, she said, "115 are Italians." She pointed out, "There are living in Jones Street today representatives of eight different nationalities."
Children played by the rear yard of 26 Jones Street, while in the background others can seen in the "sand box." The Commons, March 1905 (copyright expired)
Among the services provided to these immigrant families was the Tenants' Manual. The handbook gave information about laws regarding "eviction, desertion and non-support, installment sales, child labor, etc." Other information included, "prevention of the spread of diseases," along with the locations of museums, schools, places of amusements, and such. Here women and children were instructed in classes of sewing, cooking, "fresh air work," and there was a kindergarten. By the time of The Commons article, Greenwich Settlement had expanded into 28 Jones Street. The rear yard of that property was described as "The Farm."
The varied ethnicity of the neighborhood was reflected in an exhibition here in 1908 of items that immigrants had brought from their native lands. The New-York Tribune reported on May 28, "Wonderful bed covers, aprons and towels and strange looking caps, all loaded with embroidery; curious carved things of wood; brasses that no collector can see without getting green with envy." The items originated not only from the expected countries like Italy and Ireland, but included brasses from Russia, a bronze mirror from China, and a Viking bowl from Norway.
In 1917 Greenwich House moved into its new building at 27 Barrow Street. Around 1940, 26 Jones Street was renovated to three apartments. It was most likely at this time that the pilasters of the entrance frame were shaved flat.
No. 26 Jones Street and the two abutting houses were owned cooperatively by eight families. Among the residents of No. 26 were James Hammond Black, a partner in the Wall Street law firm Sowers, Herrick & Black, and his wife, Irma Simonton Black. She was a writer and editor of children's books.
Irma Simonton Black joined the faculty of Bank Street College of Education in 1942. She created a series of school books that transitioned the well-known Dick and Jane type of primers to contemporary urban settings.
After 40 years at the Bank Street College of Education, Irma, who was the chairman of publications and communications for the facility, planned to retire in August 1972. In June that year, James traveled to Savannah, Georgia to attend a wedding. He returned on June 18 to discover a tragedy.
Two hours before he arrived, two neighbors, Hope Dibbell and Tony Buttita, noticed a broken window in the basement. They went to the Blacks' third floor apartment where they found the door open and Irma's dead body, clad in pajamas, on the living room floor. Police surmised the 66-year-old had surprised a burglar in the apartment. The New York Times reported that the murdered author "was stabbed with a scissors and a large knife as well as with a carving fork."
There are still three units within the house. Other than the modified entrance frame, the venerable residence and an important part of Greenwich Village history is outwardly little changed.
photographs by the author
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